
You were a great help to us, and your tool worked perfectly. Your tool saved our company from a great hardship.
Gary, USA

How to recovered deleted files from a JFS filesystem.

Limitation of recovery on JFS filesystems :

Following is a sample recovery

# ./v43fslist /dev/hd3
## Filesystem Utilities from Compunix. Version v6.1.0. AIX 4.3
##  Copy of v43fslist utility, list recoverable files (not possible to recover files).
##  For a recovery utility, contact 
# starting interactive mode for filesystem on /dev/hd3
## AIX V3 filesystem.
## Filesystem /tmp, Volume 
## 40960 4k blocks.
# Reading inode table.done.
Class I license needed for recovery.
Starting interactive mode.
Search for Oracle DBF files (y/n) ? n  not interested in Oracle files
Starting interactive scanning.
Using build-in file-typing.
Results will be saved to /var/compunix/l_dev_hd3.
# Scanning   40960 inodes.
#   40960 inodes (100.00%) scanned, Found 18 interesting files 20 MBytes 18 files recoverable by inode
# Scanning 40960 blocks.
#   40960 blocks (100%) scanned. 28 interesting blocks, 53 MBytes28 files recoverable through indirect blocks
Total save status file is 35456 bytes.
Analyse status saved in /var/compunix/l_dev_hd3 location of status file
Class I license needed for recovery.  class needed for ordering a license 
Current JFS filesystem : /dev/hd3
  20 inodes recoverable (by partial name or number) in directory /.INODES.
  Top filetypes in /.INODES filetypes that can be recovered in the .INODES directory
    #3 : data 0200-0000-00
    #3 : data 5056-4d41-50
    #2 : data 0800-0000-00
    #1 : data 0008-0007-01
    #1 : data 01d9-01d8-00
    #1 : data 01e9-01e7-01
    #1 : data 02d9-02d7-00
    #1 : data 02e1-02e0-00
    #1 : data 0b0e-f00d-00
    #1 : data 2e2f-4d4e-54
  28 interesting single blocks in directory /.SBLOCK.
  Top filetypes in /.SBLOCK
    #5 : message catalog
    #2 : data 0200-0000-00
    #1 : data 0000-a000-00
    #1 : data 0008-0007-01
    #1 : data 0800-0000-00
    #1 : data 0b0e-f00d-00
    #1 : data 1000-00f5-00
    #1 : data 2020-2020-20
    #1 : data 2034-2032-30
    #1 : data 2054-3a30-20
   9 inodes recoverable by full path (use 'ls' for more information).9 files recoverable by full pathname
Current directory /
> ls   show what files can be recovered in the root directory
Current directory /
rwxrwxrwx     11264 Mar 15 17:50 [.]/9 (directory)
r-xr-xr-x                           .INODES/20  sub-directory with 20 files that can be recovered 
rw-------       640 Mar 15 17:50 mauopMa       (data 3030-3432-6332-3361-3564-6330-3734-6161 '0042c23a5dc074aa')
r--------   4194304 Nov 18 21:16 s1169406-1172816-1177311      (data 0008-0007-0107-a300-0016-0031-4d4c-3030)
r--------   4194304 Nov 18 21:16 s1219481-1158-2374    (data 0800-0000-0000-0049-0000-801c-2054-462d)
r--------   4194304 Nov 18 21:16 s788478-1560640-1561663       (message catalog)
r--------   4194304 Nov 18 21:16 s790525-1562752-1563775       (data 0b0e-f00d-0004-0000-0000-0001-0000-2000)
r--------   4194304 Nov 18 21:16 s929790-1352768-1356927       (data 0200-0000-0000-02e9-0000-801b-4c2d-5430)
rw-rw----     60704 Mar 15 17:42 sh4286.4598   (data 5056-4d41-503a-2009-3030-3432-6332-3361 'PVMAP: ')
rw-rw----     60704 Mar 15 17:42 size.check14528       (data 5056-4d41-503a-2009-3030-3432-6332-3361 'PVMAP: ')
rw-rw----     60704 Mar 15 17:42 xlcW1Ywmpqb   (data 5056-4d41-503a-2009-3030-3432-6332-3361 'PVMAP: ')  first printable characters in file
r-xr-xr-x                           .SBLOCK/28 sub-directory containing data that can be recovered from indirect blocks
Total bytes regular files   21154272

9 recoverable files shown in the root-directory of the filesystem.
For each file, file type is shown, in case of data, also first printable characters are shown.

Current directory /
> cd .INODES  change to sub-directory .INODES
Current directory /.INODES
> ls

The .INODES directory contain all recoverable inodes. For the inodes for which
no filename can be reconstructed, an unique number is assigned.

Current directory /.INODES
r-xr-xr-x                           ./20
rwxrwxrwx     11264 Mar 15 17:50 [..]/9        (directory)
rw-r--r--        12 May 03 18:16 180   (data 2e2f-4d4e-542f-6c69-6e75-780a-0000-0000 './MNT/linux')
rw-r--r--        17 Oct 24 12:58 235   (first bytes all zeroes)
rw-r--r--         8 Oct 24 13:04 236   (data 6275-7469-6f6e-7300-6184-0000-0006-0204 'butions')
rw-r--r--        30 Oct 24 12:58 237   (data 02d9-02d7-0000-0000-01f4-0030-0000-0000)
rw-r--r--        14 Oct 24 12:58 238   (data 02e1-02e0-0000-0000-0040-0031-4f50-4552)
rw-r--r--         8 Oct 24 13:04 239   (data 01d9-01d8-0000-0000-0040-0031-4155-544f)
rw-r--r--        25 Oct 24 13:04 240   (data 01e9-01e7-010e-2700-0016-0031-4d4c-3030)
rw-r--r--      4626 Oct 24 12:58 241   (data 0200-0000-0000-00e9-0000-803a-2020-2020)
rw-r--r--        10 Oct 24 13:04 242   (data 0200-0000-0000-00e1-0000-801c-3820-4649)
rw-r--r--         8 Oct 24 13:04 243   (data 0800-0000-0000-000b-0000-8027-2020-2020)
rw-r--r--         8 Oct 24 13:04 244   (data ffff-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000)
rw-------       640 Mar 15 17:50 mauopMa       (data 3030-3432-6332-3361-3564-6330-3734-6161 '0042c23a5dc074aa')
r--------   4194304 Nov 18 21:16 s1169406-1172816-1177311      (data 0008-0007-0107-a300-0016-0031-4d4c-3030)
r--------   4194304 Nov 18 21:16 s1219481-1158-2374    (data 0800-0000-0000-0049-0000-801c-2054-462d)
r--------   4194304 Nov 18 21:16 s788478-1560640-1561663       (message catalog)
r--------   4194304 Nov 18 21:16 s790525-1562752-1563775       (data 0b0e-f00d-0004-0000-0000-0001-0000-2000)
r--------   4194304 Nov 18 21:16 s929790-1352768-1356927       (data 0200-0000-0000-02e9-0000-801b-4c2d-5430)
rw-rw----     60704 Mar 15 17:42 sh4286.4598   (data 5056-4d41-503a-2009-3030-3432-6332-3361 'PVMAP: ')
rw-rw----     60704 Mar 15 17:42 size.check14528       (data 5056-4d41-503a-2009-3030-3432-6332-3361 'PVMAP: ')
rw-rw----     60704 Mar 15 17:42 xlcW1Ywmpqb   (data 5056-4d41-503a-2009-3030-3432-6332-3361 'PVMAP: ')
Total bytes regular files   21159038
Current directory /.INODES
> cd .SBLOCK
Current directory /.SBLOCK

In case your data is not in the .INODES directory, check out the
.SBLOCK directory for files. Indicate filesize are rounded to the nearest 4096.

> ls
Current directory /.SBLOCK
      53248                s0   (data 3435-2063-6f6d-7075-6e69-3320-6e61-6d65 '45 compuni3 name')
     294912                s1   (data 2054-3a30-204c-3a33-3238-2020-0a4d-6179 ' T:0 L:328  ')
      45056                s2   (data 6e69-3320-6e61-6d65-645b-3734-3936-5d3a 'ni3 named[7496]:')
     102400                s3   (data 2074-6f20-3231-332e-3232-342e-3833-2e31 ' to')
      36864                s4   (data 5056-4d41-503a-2009-3030-3432-6332-3361 'PVMAP: ')
    4194304                s5   (data 3331-3030-3130-3030-3030-3830-3030-3037 '3100100000800007')
    4194304                s6   (data 6c20-493a-656e-3120-463a-6e20-543a-3020 'l I:en1 F:n T:0 ')
    4194304                s7   (data 2e32-3535-2050-3a75-6470-2053-503a-3638 '.255 P:udp SP:68')
    4194304                s8   (data 0200-0000-0000-00a1-1000-0032-2020-2020)
    4194304                s9   (data 1000-00f5-0000-001d-0000-0009-0000-036c)
    1105920                s10  (message catalog)
    4194304                s11  (data 0b0e-f00d-0004-0000-0000-0001-0000-2000)
    4194304                s12  (data 0200-0000-0000-02e9-0000-801b-4c2d-5430)
    4194304                s13  (data 0008-0007-0107-a300-0016-0031-4d4c-3030)
    4194304                s14  (data 0800-0000-0000-0049-0000-801c-2054-462d)
     524288                s15  (data 6c0a-2e2f-7573-722f-6f70-742f-7065-726c 'l')
    4194304                s16  (data 4261-636b-696e-6720-7570-2074-6f20-2f64 'Backing up to /d')
    1769472                s17  (data 2020-2020-2020-3131-3533-3134-202e-2f75 '      115314 ./u')
     204800                s18  (data 3a30-2e30-2e30-2e30-2044-3a32-3535-2e32 ': D:255.2')
       8192                s19  (message catalog)
       8192                s20  (message catalog)
       8192                s21  (message catalog)
      20480                s22  (message catalog)
    4194304                s23  (data 3934-2e31-3137-2e31-3032-2053-3a38-342e '94.117.102 S:84.')
     737280                s24  (data 0000-a000-0000-5355-0000-0800-0000-0007)
     737280                s25  (data 7420-6c69-6e75-780a-4170-7220-3330-2031 't linux')
    4190208                s26  (data 2034-2032-303a-3237-3a32-3020-636f-6d70 ' 4 20:27:20 comp')
     536576                s27  (data 4321-8765-0000-0000-0000-0800-0000-00e0 'C!')
Total bytes regular files   56520704

In case this would be a fully licensed version of the software
you can copy with the cp command your data back to a real filesystem.

Current directory /.SBLOCK
> cp s27 /recover-my-file
Current directory /.SBLOCK
> quit

Here to download page for free list tool..
Example recovery of files deleted on a JFS2 filesystem
In case you have problems downloading this software or you have troubles executing the software, please contact us.